
Man Hours* Square Feet Price of Sq. Ft.
4.0 Up to 1000 sq. ft. $350
5.0 1001-1200 sq. ft. $450
6.0 1201-1500 sq. ft. $550
7.0 1501-1800 sq. ft. $650
8.0 1801-2100 sq. ft. $750
9.0 2101-2400 sq. ft. $850
10.0 2401-2700 sq. ft $950

*Please note that man hours is the total time at the house, e.g., 4 man hours purchased with 2 cleaners = 2 hours at house since each person work 2 hours, which equals 4 total man hours.


**Saturday & Sundays are an additional $45/$75 (respectively) based on a 1200 sq. (e.g. 1200 sq. ft. house = $245, Saturday/$275, Sunday; increases by additional $10, both Saturday & Sunday for each additional tier (e.g. Saturday, 1201-1500 = $305 [base sq ft = $250, Saturday week-end additional rate $55]; Sunday, 1201-1500 = $325 [base sq ft = $250, Sunday week-end additional rate $75]